Elevate Your Heart Rate With Physical Therapy

Elevate Your Heart Rate With Physical Therapy

Elevate Your Heart Rate With Physical Therapy Heart disease is a leading cause of death and disability. This shouldn’t be a surprise – it’s been at the top of the list for years. You know that taking care of your heart is important. That means doing...
Stay Connected With Your PT Through Telehealth

Stay Connected With Your PT Through Telehealth

Stay Connected With Your PT Through Telehealth The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is responsible for a lot of suffering. But, if you look really hard and maybe squint just right, there are a few less-than-terrible things to be found. The pandemic forced society to quickly...
Expect to Get Better. You Probably Will.

Expect to Get Better. You Probably Will.

Expect To Get Better. You Probably Will Research has shown that positive expectations increase the chances of a good outcome. It’s the old self-fulfilling prophecy; your attitude determines your approach to situations. If you believe you’ll be successful,...
My Journey With Chronic Pain: Part 1

My Journey With Chronic Pain: Part 1

My Journey With Chronic Pain: Part 1 Today, I can move my head to the left and to the right and I can look up and I can look down. But this hasn’t always been the case. For close to a decade the very thought of these movements could be paralyzing and full of pain and...
3 Ways to Maximize your Physical Therapy Sessions

3 Ways to Maximize your Physical Therapy Sessions

3 Ways to Maximize your Physical Therapy Sessions When companies that operate in big industries like financial services and pharmaceuticals want to update their business models, streamline their market approach or launch a new commercial product, they often turn to...